Weekly Bible Study

We will resume on September 6th. We meet on Thursdays from 11 am to noon.


Worship Services

Blended service includes contemporary praise music with a praise band, featuring electric and acoustic guitars, bass, drums, and vocals. Service transitions to more traditional format with piano accompaniment as it progresses.

We are meeting in-person at this time. Please follow hand washing and general safety protocols. If you are feeling unwell, you are encouraged to stay at home and worship with us online. We are streaming live on YouTube Sundays at 10. There is a link for each Sunday’s service under “Important Information.”

The celebration of the Lord’s Supper, where we commune with God and with one another, offers the climactic moment in every regular worship service.

Who We Are

A congregation of the theologically and culturally diverse Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), we have no creed but Christ and no authoritative book of teachings other than scripture. We emphasize freedom of conscience in interpreting scripture and pride ourselves on our theological and political diversity as a congregation.

A deeply loving and mutually caring congregation, we focus on the abundant love and grace of God for all who seek God through Christ. We seek to provide a warm embrace to all who come within our community, whether visitors or long-time members.

An outreach-oriented congregation, we give twelve percent of all of our receipts to outside ministries and proudly participate in and/or support an array of outreach ministries, including Keizer Community Food Bank, Habitat for Humanity, Keizer Community Dinner, Simonka Place, Salem Outreach Shelter, Compassion International, and the various outreach ministries of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). We also provide an indoor park for rainy days and are nesting a sister congregation Iglesia Cristiana Jehova-Nisi.

Believing the life in Christ involves a decision to live a radically different life from that lived by the world around us, we practice baptism by immersion of believers for new converts to Christianity. However, we welcome all confessed believers in Christ into our congregation regardless of their form of baptism.



Pastor Erik

Erik came to pastor Keizer Christian Church in 2017, having previously served as a missionary, along with his wife, Kim, in Mozambique. Erik has ministered in many churches in Oregon as well as trained as a hospital chaplain in Corvallis and at the VA hospital in Portland. He loves being with people and helping them grow in their faith and grow closer with God. He is committed to connecting with our wider community as well, spending time volunteering with CASA, Salem for Refugees, and local feeding ministries among others. Erik is a lifelong Oregonian who loves the outdoors, fishing, camping, and canoeing.


Laurie Costales

Laurie has been the secretary for KCC since 2011. She has been our Bible Adventure Week Director and is part of our church choir and education committee. She enjoys meeting new people and hearing about their faith journeys.


Elizabeth Costales

Elizabeth Costales is an OSU graduate with a large love for music. As the music minister, she enables the choirs to sing both newer and older pieces at all skill levels. Her love for music is only matched by her love for animals, as she has her bachelor’s in Animal Studies and works with animals to rehabilitate them.


Children’s Church

Children’s Church meets during a portion of the adult worship service, allowing the children to begin and end their worship with the adults. Children study Bible stories during this time. A nursery is also provided for small children.

Indoor Park

KCC Indoor Park was created provide an indoor play facility for parents and caregivers and their pre-Kindergarten age children where they can practice large motor skills and socialization. We were excited to re-open Indoor Park in Spring of 2023 and look forward to seeing families use our space. The format has changed since COVID-19 so please click here to be directed to our page for more information.


Our music ministries are a combination of old hymns and meaningful contem-porary music. We employ volunteers to form a praise band, vocal choir, and chime choir. Praise band offers more contemporary music with powerful words while the vocal and chime choir perform a wide variety of music, which is integral to worship and community life. They are led by Elizabeth Costales.


Regional Church Website

Global Ministries

National Disciples of Christ Website

Compassion International

Simonka Place

Contact Us

Get in touch!

1 + 13 =



9:00 am to 1:00 pm
Tuesday through Friday

Phone: (503) 393-6843

E-mail: 1963kcc@gmail.com


6945 Wheatland Road N,

Keizer, Oregon 97303